At UPHUMAN, we are driven by a genuine desire to empower individuals and organizations to reach their full potential. Our mission is to inspire professionals to become agents of positive change in their workplaces and communities.

We recognize that success is not a straight path, but a journey full of learning and growth. By bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds and industries, we create an environment that fosters knowledge sharing and experience exchange. Our platform offers a range of coaching, workshops, and trainings that promote collaboration and development.

Through our programs, professionals gain valuable insights and acquire the skills they need to become better leaders and innovators. We provide the necessary tools to drive change and achieve success in the workplace. At UPHUMAN, we are committed to helping individuals and organizations reach their full potential and make a positive impact in the world.

What We Do

We partner with ambitious professionals and teams wanting to achieve real change through world-class corporate training and coaching for the future of work.

  • Corporate Training Programs

Create Greatness Through Continuous Improvement: Your Human Capital is the key to your organisation’s future.

With Uphuman Corporate Training Programs globally, Uphuman help close the skills gap between your workforce and help drive innovation, productivity, and efficiency.

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  • Corporate Coaching Services

Unlock Your Human Capital: Professional Coaching for Maximum Potential

Uphuman uses an evidence-based approach to help executives and team for transforming business results.

Our coaching services are tailored to your needs and goals, providing you with the results you need to see in your people and organization.

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  • Personal Coaching and Development Programs

Empowering individuals to Become Uphuman in their life and careers

Uphuman offer coaching programs to help individuals recharge their careers, boost their energy, and improve their communication skills.

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About Our Clients

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What Do Clients Say

“Uphuman team have been extremely helpful in helping us identify our objectives, and then developing a plan of action to achieve them. The quality of their work is top notch and they have managed to keep our team energized throughout the process. “
Mark T, IT Lead, HSBC
I was particularly impressed by Bahar’s ability to patiently listen and understand the thoughts I put across on training my staff. They were interestingly involved in the subject matter and ultimately provided the finest training session in my office that consisted of major points we discussed, which was relevant for employee improvement.

I highly recommend Uphuman’s training sessions, as they can help individuals understand and improve upon complex ideas with their simplified explanations.

Nashid N., CEO at Aims International Logistics
Following my decision to have a coaching period , I had brief pre-interviews with different coaches. Then I had the chance to work with Bahar. Having sessions with Bahar made me feel that I had the right choice. She cares about you and your path. Through her thought provoking questions, I learned or rediscovered how to go on my way. I am confident that Bahar has the highest excellence of motivation in her professional life. Driven by her positive attitude, this distinguished coach has absolutely affected my life. I suggest you to meet her potential to bring an exceptional energy to your professional life.
Burcu K., Finance Manager, Rapsodo Sports
I believe “communication” is the core of human relationships and is a must for a business. I requested Bahar Selman to make a coaching session for our clinic team about “communication” recently. It was absolutely great team building session with intense engagement. I am very happy of her high energy, positive attitude and her great performance. I recommend her for every business owner who wants to improve his/her team’s communication skills.
Yahya T., Clinic Manager, Dr Tosun Dental Clinic

Trusted by leading organizations and their employees

Let’s Make Things Happen

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and find out what we can do for you.

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