The coaching relationship is like having a trusted ally in your corner, someone who is going to help you reach your personal and professional goals. The Uphuman way of coaching is a partnership.

We aren’t just experts; we’re facilitators of learning, helping you unlock your full potential and overcome any internal obstacles. It’s like having a personal trainer for your brain.

The ‘inner game’ and overcoming internal obstacles are what coaching is about, as John Whitmore says in Coaching for Performance.

Coaching was revolutionized by Timothy Gallwey’s insights. He realized the biggest obstacles to success are often internal, not external. Coaches can help people tap into their natural abilities by distracting the inner dialogue and critical voice. According to Gallwey, everybody has the answers to their own problems within themselves, and this applies to everything.

We offer two distinct coaching services to help professionals and organizations achieve their goals and improve their performance.


As part of our Executive Coaching program, we provide executives with skills and abilities that will help them achieve their full potential, while our Team Coaching program improves collaboration, communication, and performance within teams.

Coaches act as catalysts for change, helping you and your team overcome obstacles. Uphuman lets you unlock your full potential and achieve success in all areas of your life, like having a trusted navigator.

Co-Active Model is the basis for Uphuman Coaching principles.  

Co-active model explained


This video summarizes the co-active model. Please find more references below why this model from “Coaching Training Institute”, the oldest coaching institute in the world, is different and effective

Executive Coaching


Team Coaching


Let’s Make Things Happen

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and find out what we can do for you.

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